Grow, Sell, and Retire

Business and Life Secrets for the Lazy Over-Achiever

The Bestselling Book By B.D. Dalton II

Grow, Sell and Retire, the Amazon Bestseller, delivers a refreshingly honest look at the real value of your business, what prospective buyers are willing to pay for and what they won’t.

Most businesses depend too much on the owner. If you can’t take a holiday for 6 months and come back to find your business still running well, then your business isn’t sellable – yet.

Realising the value of your business can be a scary exercise full of home truths, unexpected facts and hidden obstacles. This is an even scarier thought if you’re considering exit or sale it in the next few years.

In this book, you’ll learn about building Enterprise Value and the steps every one has to go through: fake it, take it and make it.

If you complete the exercises, you will find yourself focusing on the most important of the Six Levers of Wealth and really understanding if your goal is to frantically increase turnover or hone a vital business system.


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“Dalton is laser focused on the end goal – your success. And this book is the embodiment of that focus. It’s all the right stuff without the fluff!”

Shane Snow

Founder of Contently and author of Smartcuts

“I learn something important every time I talk to B.D. His advice and insights are always powerful. If anyone can help you grow, sell and retire, it’s him.”
Michael Maslansky

Author of The Language of Trust: Selling Ideas in a World of Skeptics

Meet the author

Bart (B.D.) Dalton II is a financial guru and author of “True Gravity”.

The Practice of Creating Stellar Business”. “True Gravity” tells the story of his challenges and lessons learned, which have allowed him develop proven systems to create powerful business and personal networks.

When not helping others in his network achieve rapid and long-lasting success, Bart loves spending time with his family, coaching water polo with his kids, playing golf, speaking as an entrepreneur at conferences and speaking engagements, and watching Real Madrid soccer games. If you’d like Bart to speak to your group or team, contact him below.

Other books by B.D.